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We support the weak, the needy and the afflicted

Infonet Projekt SA

We support the local community

Charity initiatives and the support for a variety of organizations in the region

Since the beginning of our business activity, we have been bringing help to children’s homes in the Silesian Voivodeship. We support the Pediatric Hospital in Bielsko-Biala and the Beskid Oncology Center as well.

We are also involved in sports initiatives in our region and nationwide. Every year, we attend the “Reksio Cup,” the most popular ski competition for children and young people in Poland.

Darczynca (The Giver) system: a new way of helping others

Our Darczynca (The Giver) application is the only solution on the market for coordinated and transparent donations management. The application connects donors with social workers who manage the donations. Thanks to the free application, residents of a city that implements the platform can easily submit donations in one place and ensure delivery to the most needy.

The pilot program of system implementation and handing the application over to the city residents was hosted under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Bielsko-Biala, Jaroslaw Klimaszewski. Currently, other public offices in the country are choosing our system.

Our business

Children's Day

Saint Nicholas Day

Support for hospitals

"Responsible Entrepreneur" certificate

Christmas Party in the Bielsko-Biala Old Town

IT competition at the University College of Tourism and Ecology

„Serce dla Maluszka" ("Heart for the Little One") Foundation

We are happy to help.

Infonet Projekt SA

ul. Bystrzanska 94
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
+48 33 497 84 54+48 33 861 11 08

Warsaw Branch
ul. Bakalarska 34
02-212 Warszawa

Technical Support/Helpdesk

[email protected]
Bielsko–Biała: +48 33 497 84 54 ext. 40
Warszawa: +48 22 841 00 88